Everyday Cait

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Puppy Prison

I love my dog. This is a fact. I feel like Biscuit might always be my first child. But, like any parent, I haven't always been perfect. I've made a lot of mistakes. Biscuit is the first puppy that I've ever had, and it's been a terrible learning curve. We, that is, myself, as well as my parents (who she spends a lot of time with, while I'm at work or travelling) haven't been the best at preventing and breaking bad habits. 

She jumps up to greet you...which was cute when she was 10 pounds, but less cute now that she is 65. She is also difficult to walk on a leash, because she pulls so hard. And she barks. And barks. And barks. We all love Biscuit, but sometimes she is a lot to handle.

She's very social. Not mean to other dogs or people at all. We were careful to expose her to lots of different situations very early. She's also incredibly affectionate towards all of us. Climbing into your lap, sleeping in your be. She's been to obedience school four times. Each time, she's one of the best behaved dogs in the class, but she's still wild. Because she's still a puppy, even as she turns two in a few weeks. She still nips at my hands, and still jumps, and those are hard habits to break.

So it's time for another round of training, but this time a little more intense.

Biscuit and I had a heartfelt goodbye this morning, and then she went to prison.

Yes, literal prison. 

In Billings, Montana, there is a women's prison. Every month a few dozen dogs go there for a full four weeks of training, and come out smart and well-behaved. At least that's the promise. I was interested in sending Biscuit there for two reasons: it's good for her to have consistent, firm training, and it's also a very helpful program for the inmates. 

Prison Paws has been running since 2004 and has been helpful at providing an incentive for inmate good behavior, and has also helped hundreds of dogs. Besides taking in spoiled brats like Biscuit, they also train and rehabilitate rescue and shelter dogs. It's also part of a work release program that helps them get ready for jobs as vet techs or groomers. It helps me, it helps them...everyone wins.

So Biscuit is on a little vacation. They said that I could call for updates whenever I wanted, and I'm sure I'll take them up on that.  I will also definitely report back on Biscuit's progress when she comes home in a few weeks. I spent the last few days spoiling her, so hopefully she's not too mad about this whole thing.

See you soon, puppy.