Everyday Cait

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I guess I can’t say I’m “early twenties” anymore.

It’s my birthday. It’s also Charles’s birthday, which is both a blessing and a curse. I feel like we don’t take the day as seriously as we would if they were separate, because we have been making it a fairly low key situation the past few years that we’ve been together. This year, my mom happened to be in town, and we were able to spend it with her. We are having dinner at the restaurant where we got engaged, and exchanging some small gifts.

This weekend has been really fantastic because we had our wedding shower on Friday, birthdays Saturday, and Mothers Day Sunday, making it all special. I got Charles a t-shirt with Biscuit’s face on it (he will love it) and a new American-made leather belt. We also did get absolutely showered in love yesterday at my bridal shower, and I can’t imagine a nicer weekend!

26 was so wonderful. I really came into my own. I loved (still love) my job, got engaged, went on some wonderful travels, and couldn’t imagine a higher-than-high year. I felt like being 25 was a year of frustration, and trying to figure out how to balance my life. This year was the total opposite. I felt like I was in balance, and like I could confidently be the person I have always wanted to be. I hope that everyone gets to have that kind of experience.

I’m so happy to see what 27 holds. We’ll be getting married soon. Charles will be changing to a new and exciting position with his career. We have also bought a house and will be closing soon! Usually I have some goals for things that I want to do this year, but I’m actually not looking towards the future right now. I have been really loving everything that has been thrown at us, and I want to make sure that I’m experiencing it in the present. I’m living for the now, and I’m excited to enjoy all of the individual moments, and not worry about what’s to come.

Thanks for being a part of my most recent trip around the sun. Here’s to many more.