Everyday Cait

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March in Review


I feel like I say this every month, but for serious, I can’t believe that it’s April today. I have been saying that all spring, but it’s 100% true. I feel like this year has been really speedy and intense but also wonderful. This month was really great as far as getting wedding things on track and making plans! Charles also has had some really great new opportunities, as have I (all still in the works, so secret-secret)! Last month Biscuit was also seriously under the weather and she is finally doing better now. It’s been really stressful, but I’m so happy that things are coming together at last!

This month, I also want to do something different, which is covering the books and movies that I took in. I wanted to read more this year, so I thought that this would be a good place to stick those mini-reviews, and it also feels like a serious throwback to when EverydayCait was a book review blog (what??). So, this month:



We went to see Us, the new movie by Jordan Peele. It was…strange. It has a star-studded cast, but unfortunately did not make the mark. I found that the plot (no spoilers) really falls apart in the second act, and even more so at the end. I left feeling conflicted and somewhat unsure of why it has earned the hype that it has. 6/10

Captain Marvel

I am not a huge Marvel fan, but I did enjoy this one. The story is very predicatable, and nothing you haven’t seen before, but it did tie up some loose ends. It also had some cute nods to the 90s that were pretty much there to make people feel old. Dial up internet! Blockbuster Video! Pagers! But I liked it. 9/10

Lego Movie 2

This movie was…silly. But it was good. Funny, good for kids and adults. Catchy as hell music. Heartwarming plotlines. 9/10


Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

I’m a sucker for this kind of book. It’s cliche and meant to be shocking. The story follows a black nurse who is told not to treat a white supremacist’s baby, who later dies. The family then sues her. It was an interesting , well-researched look into white supremacy, which is something I admittedly know very little about (mostly by choice). IT was fast-paced, easy to read, but the epilogue really ruined it for me right at the end. 7/10

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for the Defense

I wanted to love this. It’s a nonfiction about how Arthur Conan Doyle occasionally acted as a private investigator to help the wrongfully convicted. Unfortunately, this book was dense and dry and impossible to plod through. If it was a movie…maybe it would work, but as a book it’s just too much. 3/10.


This April, we have an extended spring break, so we’re heading off on a vacation! Expect the photos from that to hit around the end of the month! Otherwise we’re racing towards spring. There’s a lot of other things going on too! We need to get our wedding invitations out and finalize a few things in that realm. My wedding shower is also coming up, so I need to do a few things for that as well. Keep an eye out for some exciting wedding content!

What is your April like?