Everyday Cait

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Beauty I Won't Be Buying in 2019

I’ve been spending some time evaluating my spending and buying habits, and also taking a hard look at the ethics of some different companies, and well, I need to make some cuts. I definitely agree that we vote with our wallets, and there are a few companies I’m not interested in supporting. There are also some products that I just hands-down don’t need.

I don’t like the idea of a no-buy. I don’t think that my spending habits are out of control, or anything like that. That said, as we look into becoming homeowners, and moving into a different space, I want to be in control of the things that we’re moving. I want us to start our life together with a lot of intention, and that means understanding the things that we’re filling our home with.


Natasha Denona

She’s been on my wishlist for a while, but I think we should think about how an eyeshadow palette is $129. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY NINE DOLLARS. What. I don’t care how wonderful they are. I have a good job and I would still need to work SIX hours to pay this business off. That’s so much nope.

Kat Von D

If you support Kat Von D, I don’t hate you, but there’s just too much there for me to continue to spend money on her. I learned a lot about her this year, and she’s not the kind of person I want to have my money. She has very suspicious connections to neo-Nazi groups, and is staunchly anti-vaccine. As a Jewish person, engaged to a medical professional…what? I’m not going to throw things away, because that’s wasteful, but I will be giving them away or using them up without buying them again. This will mean finding replacements for some of my favorite product formulas.

Sunday Riley

This one is really painful for me because Sunday Riley really helped me get in control of my skin, and make it something that I’m confident in and happy with. There was a serious controversy this year about Sunday Riley paying for fake reviews, and for making employees post disingenuous reviews across multiple sites. Those reviews were a big part of why I started using Sunday Riley products, despite the pricetag. It is so important to me to be honest and authentic in my reviews, and I don’t want to support a place that doesn’t hold up those values of honesty and integrity as well.


There are things about Fenty that are wonderful. Although not the first to do so, they released a huge shade range that catered to a diverse array of women. Unfortunately, the products have not lived up to the hype for me, personally. Again, I have no personal beef with them, and if the products work for you, that’s great. Rihanna also has made some questionable statements recently about people of Asian descent and Hispanic people, and I’m not interested in supporting that.


Haircare Products

I have a lot of haircare, and I get sent a lot of haircare from brands as PR or gifts, so I don’t think I will be adding to that. Of course, I need shampoo and conditioner, but I don’t need hairspray, mousse, pomade, curl cream…any of it. I have a large supply of products I love and will be using up this year!

Eyeliner Pencils

This is one of those products that I end up with a ton of, and I don’t go through them fast enough to justify building up that collection. I also have pretty much every color I could ever want as well, so it’s not too hard to let go of the idea that I should pick up more.


This is also another product that I don’t go through very fast. There are also (unpopular opinion) only like three colors…silver, gold, blush. I have all of these things.

Makeup Brushes

Gracious me. I have a ton of makeup brushes. For everything. Every possible shape. There is no way I need more. I’m thinking about filming a video of my brush collection, and it really is a lot.

There are of course exceptions to some of these things…I still accept PR, and I made one less sneaky day-after-Christmas purchase to replace a coupe of things that my parents’ dog ate (bad girl). That post will be up later this week…with makeup brushes…and eyeliner. Whoops. Anyway. What are you not buying this year?