Everyday Cait

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Cardboard Box Day

Today is what I like to call Cardboard Box day. I’m walking out of the building with my box of stuff. Today is the day I quit my job. Well, that’s not true. I quit my job several weeks ago, or at least gave my notice. I have a new job that I’ll be starting in several weeks, but in the meantime, we’re focusing on getting our life back in order.

For those of you who aren’t in the know, I am (was) a teacher. I love teaching for so many reasons, but it also is hard. I am getting ready to make a switch that keeps me in education, but sets me up more for the career that I want.

Today feels like a big, important day. I worked here for two years, and I felt like a grew up a lot. It was at this job that I learned how to be a grown up. I got engaged and got my life together. I was also so very blessed to have amazing bosses, and coworkers, who put so much energy into helping me develop as a professional. This was the best possible start to my education career that I ever could have imagined, and I will always be grateful for these past two years.

I also think that getting comfortable is bad. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel comfortable at my job, but we’re getting too comfortable with our lives being monotonous. Living where we are now, there isn’t a lot to do, and we’ve fallen into the “Cait cooks dinner, then we watch Netflix all night” habit. Having a job that forced me into a highly regimented routine hasn’t helped with this, so it’s a good time to step away. It’s also a really good time for us. Teachers take summers off anyway, or work another job, so I’ll leave this job, and start a new one with a new life and a new name. So, I’m walking away. Things are happening for us this summer well, with the wedding and some big travel plans. I’m going to put off starting my new job for a couple of months (teacher perks!) until all of that is done, but this isn’t the end of my day-jobs.

So, Cait, why are you posting about this? For me, knowing it was time to go, even though it was just a couple of years was hard to know. I want to give you that kind of courage. If you’re on the fence, there are other jobs. We are fortunate to be in a place with financial stability, so taking the summer off from my day job, and just doing my normal side-hustle life is completely doable. And opportunities will always come up, if you’re ready to say yes!

Stay happy friends and do what you need to do!