Everyday Cait

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Getting Out of Town

Hello everyone! I would like to say that this is a big surprise, but you read the title. We’re moving! We’re so excited to be doing another crosscountry move! Two years ago, we packed up our little apartment and moved to Great Falls, Montana from the north suburbs of Minneapolis. Today, we packed up our moving van again and heading back! Well, not quite. For those of you who don’t know, I had a horrible time in Minneapolis. A lot of it was related to a job that I hated, and rapidly declining mental health. I feel that if we moved back to Minneapolis, I would have a better chance of enjoying myself now, but we decided to try something new! I mean, you had to know this was coming when I posted about leaving my job, right?

We’re moving to Duluth! Charles and I both really like it there, and it’s close enough to the Twin Cities while still feeling separate and fun on its own. It has a great culture and great access to the outdoors. I’m not looking forward to the winter, but we’ll get used to it after a little while I’m sure.

We spent a few days getting to know the city, trying out different neighborhoods, exploring the local resturanats and breweries, and made the totally easy choice that it was for us.

We have been really struggling with the closing of our house, but we are officially leaving in just a few days to start our new adventure. This place is my home state, and probably always will be, so I’m feeling more than a little sad about not being able to just visit the mountains any time I want.

We’re so excited to start our next adventure, and I’m so excited to talk about all the new things we’re doing! I’m really excited to share a little about our process of buying a home from out of state, while also planning out a wedding, and job hunting! It’s been a MESS, and that’s an understatement. You can look forward to some more about reining in the mess.

How has your life been a mess lately?