New Year. Dang.

It’s a new year.


Last night I rang in the New Year by going to see Les Miserables with a friend from high school who I usually see about once a year since we’ve gone our separate paths in life. Afterwards we had a delightful gourmet dinner at McDonalds, and then reconvened in a parking lot where we texted our significant others, chatted, and counted down the final moments to midnight.

Every year I make up really ambitious resolutions, and I know that I’m not going to manage them. This year, I think I’m going for something more manageable.

Here are the 13 things I’m going to try in 2013:

1. Blog regularly.
I’ve decided that this means twice a week. I’m going to aim for Tuesday and Friday, but we shall see how that works

2. Eat less crap.
I’m going to make a concerted effort this year. I know realistically that I’m not going to go to the gym any more than I already am, so this seems like the best way to be healthier.

3. More hugs.
Everyone needs more hugs.

4. Take better care of my skin.
I sleep in my makeup. I pick my skin. I really abuse it. Given, I do moisturise and use sunscreen and do a lot of good things too, but there’s room for improvement.

5. Limit my caffeine intake.
Lots of coffee, lots of diet sodas, tons of tea. I won’t be stopping, but a little reduction is in order, I think.

6. Finish my year of books.
With my travelling and blindness, I’m three books behind. I’m sure I can catch up by the time June hits.

7. Cook a nice dinner at least once a week.
I’m living the student lifestyle of white processed foods. I’d like to change that, so I’m planning on trying one new recipe for a nice dinner every week. Suggestions are welcome.

8. Clean out my room.
This is more of a reduce the number of possessions I have goal. I have many many things that I do not need, so I’d like to reduce the quantity of my things, while increasing the quality. I’m talking clothes, clutter, books, everything. I don’t need it, so why do I have it?

9. Make home homier.
We never really decorated the apartment. It looks really bare. My room looks really bare. I want to take care of that. As well, in May we’re going to be moving, and I want to go all Martha Stewart on it.

10. Take more risks.
I’m not a risk taker. I wish I was brave. I wish I liked adventures. But the best way to like adventures is to go on some. 2013 is going to be the year of adventures.

11. Be nice.
I think I’m a nice person, or at least not a mean one. In 2013, I’d like to do one selflessly nice thing for someone every day.

12. Speak French
This is ongoing, but if I put it on the list I will be more inspired to practise.

13. Do something unforgettable.
This year, I’m going to do something that makes 2013 completely and totally unforgettable.

What are your resolutions? I’m going to try extra hard this year to stick with mine!

CaitChallenge, HolidayComment