Blogmas #23: The Wild Turkey and Thoughts from Home

I’ve been enjoying hiding out in my house for the past few days. It’s nice to just be lazy for a while, and not have to worry about school or work or the next thing coming up. You can sit and let your mind blank for a while.

So, I thought I’d spend today showing off some of the things I’ve been up to since I’ve been home.
The most interesting thing is probably the neighbourhood turkey. Dad started swearing up and down that there was a turkey wandering our place starting in like September. Photographic evidence of said turkey was obtained in early October, as it started to get a little braver in coming towards the house. But today I saw it. Wandering up the driveway in the middle of a snowstorm, looking much the worst for wear.

Mom has also been spoiling me and my dad rotten with all the treats. She went to the French patisserie that is at the Summerside Farmer’s Market and got these treats from Christine who owns the place. Goodness. Nothing says Christmas like sweets.

Today I worked on the hateful puzzle for an hour. I got three pieces in. We only have white left, so it’s become considerably harder. I feel like this is a preview of what my retirement will look like. Also, if anyone wanted to give me a puzzle for Christmas, you should think again.

I have stopped being stressed about Christmas and have entered into that blissful quiet zone when it’s too late buy more presents so it’s too late to worry that people hate whatever you got them. We’ll just have to see in a couple of days. Jeez. I’ll be opening Christmas gifts in less than 48 hours. Speaking of which. Sometimes the gifts are wrapped a little...shoddily. Merry Christmas.

Today’s advent calendar item is Cha Cha Tint.

Similar to all the other tints I have gotten before it, it’s a liquid for your cheeks and lips. This one is kind of an orange-y tint. I think they call it ‘mango’ which sounds about right. It does seem a little out of season, but I will save it and use it when the weather starts to get warmer. That seems so far away, but I know it will be here before we know it!

I’ll see you tomorrow for the last day of Blogmas!

Oh! And if you're interested in seeing what I'm up to on a more everyday basis, you could check out my Instagram here, where I post a lot of these pictures. Of course, all of my social networks are over on the right.