Finally Moved!


On Tuesday, I moved into my super deluxe uptown apartment! Of course, my definition may be a little different than yours: super deluxe meaning small and shoddily built, and uptown being downtown. However, I’ve immediately begun to love the little place. For a first apartment it’s pretty fantastic. It’s a lot bigger than I initially thought when we decided we were going to get it. It has a pretty sizable kitchen, which I’m really excited about. Although, some insider information has come forward that my roommate is not such a great cook, so I may become very familiar with the various appliances.

Speaking of kitchen, I went on my first grocery expedition yesterday. We know have flour, sugar, bread, oatmeal, butter, eggs…things like that. Just the basics, anyway. I made a pizza for dinner last night, officially christening the stove as ours. We wanted to make some cookies, but the measuring cups, measuring spoons, and mixing bowls haven’t been unpacked yet, so we’ve postponed.

After all the furniture assembly, the apartment is starting to look like a real home. We’re still missing a lot of stuff that I’d like to have, but we’ll fix that soon. We have this big blocked up fireplace, and it really needs something over it, like a painting or a mirror, but we haven’t gotten around to the more artistic details. The walls are essentially bare, as are the floors. I have a small rug in my room, but we could really use some kind of rug for our living area, and a coffee table. As you can tell I’m just full of ideas. 

Right now, it’s just me and my one roommate, B. We have another girl living with us, O, but she doesn’t move in until September, so her room is currently being used as the assembly area for most of our furniture. B’s family is still here for a few more days, and they have been the biggest help in getting all of that furniture put together and moved. B and I could probably manage, but it’s nice having guys to help out. My mother was here for the day to move my stuff, but she had to head home immediately. While she was here, we went to eat at Dharma Sushi Restaurant (review to come) and saw a production of La Cage aux Folles at the Neptune Theater (I’ll talk about that too!)

Altogether, it’s been a busy couple of days. I’m going to go unpack a bit more, but once everyone has cleared out, and the unpacking has been finished, I’ll take a bunch of pictures.

Have a great day, and I really hope that wherever you move to, you love it as much as I do!