Vacation! Spending the Day with a Friend

I didn’t keep in touch with many of my high school friends. I know that sounds really depressing for those of you who haven’t yet made the big transition from high school to college. It was a slow slide. I talked to my friends every couple of days. Then every week. Then every month. For some of my friends, it’s been more than a year now.

One of the few friends that I’ve managed to keep in touch with is my friend Mallory. Mallory goes to school in a different province than I do, but we have a lot in common, and that is what has held us together. We don’t speak too often, but we see each other whenever I’m home. It’s nice.

Today we did the touristing around thing and caught up a bit. We have a lot of the same problems, so commiseration comes easy. We’re both doing the apartment thing for the first time, and dealing with roommates and such. It’s fun and terrifying and it’s great to have someone to talk about it with.

I’ll be the first to say that I didn’t enjoy high school. I didn’t like it. I didn’t have a good time. I had a couple of really good friends, but all of that dissolves with time. Like I said, slowly but surely the friends go away. Besides Mallory, I’m in really good contact with two other people from my high school. It takes effort to keep your friends, so as you’re heading off to school, especially those of you moving away for your education, keep that in mind. The best advice I can give on that is to simply drop them a message every week or so. Make sure that they’re in your mind as much as they’re in yours. Best of luck with back to school! Also, I’ll be back in the city on Friday, so the post quality will increase, I am sure.

As well, this week, I did read my book of the week, but my issues with the internet have discouraged me from forming a complete review of it. I did finish it today, and the review will be up probably on Friday or Saturday :)