Time to Go

I’m usually really diligent about making sure my blog posts go up on the right day, at the right time, but today I’m a little late. Right now I'm sitting in an almost empty room, frantically figuring out how everything I own is going to fit into my Dad's truck.

That’s right, it’s time for another round of moving. Beth and I, after two full years of cohabitation, are ending our roommate relationship. She’s off to bigger and better things in one city, and I’m off to another. It’s hard to believe that in three days I won’t be seeing her every day anymore, but life presses on.

It’s been a little while since I’ve had a life update post, so here is the state of the Cait address:

I finished my degree! I’m planning on talking a little bit more about this at a future time, but it’s still nice to bask in the feeling of accomplishment and total terror for a few days.

I have to be out of my apartment this weekend, and shortly after it will be time for another round of Summer of Montana, so stay tuned for some of that. I’m planning a few more adventures.

Monday will have something akin to an empties post, except it will be more about what got tossed in the move. All those press samples add up after a few years.

That's where I'm at right now. The goal for today is to finish packing up my room, and then to take on the kitchen. The exciting life right here. 

I'll be back to regular posts Monday. :)

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