Most First-World of First-World Problems

I try not to be a complainer. Sometimes I am better at this than others. Today is not one of those days. 

Today I am tired, I am jetlagged, and I do not want to get up and go about my day.

I haven’t been posting as much as I would like to lately, and that has made me feel guilty. It shouldn’t, because first and foremost this blog is for me and how I feel, which I am happy to share with you, but it does. I feel guilty. The posts just aren’t going up how I’d like.

The real issue is that I have been away from home too much. Over the past few weeks, I have been trotting all over the country. Most recently, San Diego for an amazing conference experience. My weekends for the foreseeable future will also be spent away from home – next weekend I’m in Minneapolis on a reckless adventure that will be either the best or worst story I’ll ever tell, then Calgary the weekend after that. Then I am happily home for one weekend before venturing off to Morocco for the holidays. Yes, Morocco. Another reckless trip. I’m happy about all of the travel, but it does leave you tired and homesick and wanting to cuddle your dog instead of sleep in an airport.

When I’m home, I’ve been consumed with school and work. It turns out that getting a master’s degree is apparently difficult. I’m close to being done, but that just means more work and, even better, navigating American student loans for the first time.

In terms of a life update, that’s what I have. Things are amazing, and I wouldn’t change them one bit, but I hope you’ll bear with me over the next few weeks as I go on some amazing adventures.

If you want to keep up with me in something closer to real time during my absenses, you can follow me on snapchat (EverydayCait), Twitter (CaitlinKimmet) or Instagram (EverydayCait). I’m working on pulling out another few posts, especially as we approach holiday, but I can’t promise a regular posting schedule.

A huge thank you to all of you reading this, because without you, all of these awesome adventures couldn’t happen. You guys rock, and I’ll talk to you soon.