Making a Bigger Pie

It’s not a literal pie that we’re talking about here. The pie I want to talk about is America.

I’ve always kind of lived between worlds. Half in the United States, half in Canada. A family that’s half black, and half white. A family of many religious traditions. But I love America. I’ve lived elsewhere. I’ve seen how it handles some members of my family differently than others. I’ve seen our president say that because I’m Jewish I must love money more than my own family, as if he doesn’t love money more than anyone in this country. But I still love America.


Or rather, I love what America is supposed to be.

I love that my immigrant great-grandparents came to this place and were able to build a life. I love that if you look, there is an endless field of diversity. There are stories everywhere if we would just learn to listen. I would love an America that screams to give me your huddled masses and they will be welcome. I’d love an America that refuses to split families and who has room for everyone. We could live in that America.

I love the ACLU, and that they fight for what’s right and just for the people, not for the corporations. I would love an America that puts people over profit in actions, not just words. We could live in that America.

I love apple pie. And cheese curds. And ice cream. And Kansas City Barbecue. I would love to live in an America where school lunch debt isn’t a thing that exists, and no children are permitted to go hungry.


I love that there is nature all in so much of America. I love the endless hiking trails. Wildlife. The purple mountains majesty. I would love it even more if we did a better job of protecting these places We could live in that America.

There are so many things I love about this place and even more things I see as the potential to get better and grow and to be the best country in the world.

What I don’t love? We don’t live in the America that is the best country in the world. Make America Great Again? When was it great? Before 2007, when gay couples were not provided equal privilege under the law? No? Further back? Under Reagan, when prison populations boomed for minor drug charges? Maybe further back? When my sister wouldn’t be allowed to use the same drinking fountain as me? Further back…when we experimented on Black people? The poor? Trail of Tears? Those weren’t happy tears. When being a strong woman was punished with a lobotomy. I don’t know if we were ever great at this rate. But, there’s so much room ahead for progress.

If anything, the past few weeks and months have shown us that many people aren’t living in the same America as I do. They live in an America where they are robbed of opportunities and needlessly persecuted based on how they are born. We don’t care enough for those in poverty, those with health issues or disabilities (mental or otherwise), those who aren’t born into privileges. We can fix this. All of us. We’re all learning and getting through things together, but we could have the American Dream. It’s going to be a hot mess, and deeply painful and uncomfortable for many of us, especially those of us who are white, but we could do it. We could.

But fixing America is a big task. What can we do, as little, little people?

We need to make a bigger pie.

There’s room at the table for everyone, and if there’s not, we need a bigger table. This has been my biggest mindset change over the past year. I’m tired of fighting to get my slice of what seems like a tiny pie when we could just make a bigger pie. I have never, ever regretted using my privilege to bring others up with me. It has only led to good things. As one little, little person, being altruistic, and helping others is the best thing we can do. I’ll be honest, the opening of my ears and sometimes being told harsh truths about my past actions, words, and feelings, has been very hard at times. The work of becoming a better person for real sucks at times. But it’s important. Sometimes important things aren’t pleasant. But we still do them. Making America a warm, accepting, loving place for all of her people is one of those things.

And we can do it. We can make a bigger pie.

Happy 4th, but maybe dig a little deeper while you’re eating your hotdogs and watching the fireworks.

Nothing to shop today! Just go hang out with your family. Maybe send some emails to your local government.