Life Update | August 2015

It’s been a while since I’ve had a legitimate life update. I didn’t blog last week, and it’s because that the real world has simply gotten in the way. The majority of the past few months have been devoted to what my mother has named “Adult Lessons”. At 23, I’m definitely an adult. Am I good at adulting? No. Not at all. I’m not sure if I ever will be.

This week is my toughest at my real-world day job. We’re talking long days with late nights and early mornings. It wore me down, so I’ve been spending all my extra time sleeping, but it’s also been a fun and rewarding time. It’s good to finally feel like I’ve accomplished something big, even if my whole body hurts and I can barely keep my eyes open.

The next part of adult training involved buying my first car. Thanks to my grandfather, I had a 2002 Ford Escort, but it’s time had come. In between quickly falling gas mileage and an unpredictable engine, it was time to trade in. I loved that car, but the decision to get rid of it was easy.

I also needed a new car because I’m leaving for Denver today, or at least today as this is posted. The plan is to go to work today (Monday) and then leave at 5 for Denver for a week. Part of this is a recovery vacation from my past week, but it’s also a little bit of business and a little bit of school. I’m excited, and my new Chevy Cruze is going to get me there on the ten hour drive through the entire state of Wyoming.

As soon as I get back from Denver, I start school. I haven’t talked about my master’s degree much, but I’m two semesters away from finishing it. Getting through it, plus working, plus the usual social activities and hobbies, has been a challenge, but again, one that I have been enjoying.

I’m back on the blogging wagon though, so this week, you can keep an eye out for my August favorites, as well as another post that I’m working on right now! I’m also vlogging my trip, so be sure to look for that.

I’m looking forward to starting over with a new school year. It’s going to be amazing.